Environment variables
Here you can find all the parameters that can be defined in .env files or env variables. Commonly we set here variables that can differ from each environments (prod, dev, CI, etc) like tokens or api domains.
Discord variables
- DISCORD_TOKEN: Discord bot token
- DISCORD_CLIENT_ID: Discord public client ID
- DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET: Discord Private client secret key
Database variables
Depending on wich database we use we can define these variables
MYSQL / PostgreSQL
- DATABASE_HOST: IP adress or domain where your db is on
- DATABASE_PORT Port on wich your database is listening. Commonyl 3306 for MYSQL or 5432 for PostgreSQL
- DATABASE_USERNAME: Username of your database
- DATABASE_PASSWORD: Password of your database
- DATABASE_NAME: Name of your database
- DATABASE_URI: The connection uri string of your database
Other variables
Here you can find variables of all kind
- BOT_PREFIX: Prefix for prefix based commands. This will be used as default/fallback prefix. Useful if you need different prefix between your local and production bot
- SECRET_KEY: Can be any text string. It’s like a password. It will be used for encrypt data like JWT tokens on api.