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Quick start guide

Quick start guide

This guide will help you to quickly start developing a new bot using zumito-framework.


  • Discord Bot Token, you can get one here
  • Discord Bot Client ID, you can get one here
  • Discord Bot Client Secret, you can get one here


First, create a new project using the Zumito CLI:

npx zumito-cli create project

It will clone the template project, install the dependencies and configure the .env file by asking you some questions. Database config will be saved to the .env file. You can change it later if you want.

  • Tingodb is recommended for development since it doesn't require any external database, it will save the data in a file.
  • MongoDB is recommended for production for better performance.

ℹ️ You can find more information about the .env file here.


Once the project is configured, you can start creating a module for your bot. Here is a list of things you may want to do:

Run the bot

To execute the bot, run:

npm run start